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We have in our previous article established the fact that a good routine exercise for your dog plays a vital role in their overall well-being especially for combating the common occurrence of canine obesity and other internal complications which result from it. However, this will not be efficient without planning this in line with a healthy diet. As they say “Prevention is better than cure”.

Since the time the first use of the notorious “Puppy eyes” earned the first dog its meal off a Sunday roast dining, it has become a popular culture to feed dogs with home-made food. Though this is in itself not a wrong act, it becomes a major challenge ranging from dog owners giving meals which do not meet all the nutritional requirements of their companion to giving the dogs relatively poisonous products which do not normally cause any harm to humans (such as chocolates, salty/sugary foods, onions, dairy products and so on). Therefore it is advisable to contact your vet doctor before giving your dogs any home-made food.

Of course, we know that besides the cost of purchasing commercial dog food, there is joy in tossing a meal in the air while your pet leaps for the fetch. That is why we at Carotidvet have thought it ideal to give our pet lovers some tips towards maintaining a healthy diet for your dog, be it a home-made feed or commercial feed.

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  • Ration the meals: Many dog lovers believe that the more the meals given to their dogs, the better the nutritional needs are met. However, this is not often the case as the well-being depends more on the nutrients contained in the ration served to the dog. It is often advisable to feed adult dogs once a day unless stated otherwise by your vet.


  • Constant access to water: There is always a misconception that a filled drinking bowl should be made available to your dog only during meals. Yes, we are aware that our playful dogs sometimes get rough and damage these bowls and make a mess of their surrounding with it but this is not enough reason to deny them constant access to clean water as it plays a major role in keeping them healthy and hydrated.


  • Avoid sudden switch in meals: Your dog’s digestive system is not a warehouse where any sort of thing can be introduced into. Try as much as possible to avoid a sudden switch in feeding patterns or meal compositions given to your dog. When introducing a new meal, whether home-made or commercial, try to do this over days or weeks during which it should be mixed with the previous meal type to ensure a smooth transition. Consult your vet for appropriate mixture guidance.
  • Include veggies: Yes you read right. Even though a dog’s main meal composition is meaty, you would do them a whole lot of good, just as humans, by adding vegetables and fruits occasionally to their meals.


  • When possible, avoid raw meat: Though this practice may be controversial to some people due to the advantages such as healthier skin, high energy build and shinier coat, the dangers such as infection from contaminated meat, choking and intestinal puncture from bones amidst other risks make it inadvisable to adopt. If desired, a slightly cooked meat would do the trick.
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